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Posts made in May 2019

Cleaning Your Carpets Before Relatives Come to Visit

Steam Carpet Cleaning in HoustonHave you ever rented one of those steam cleaning machines and thought it would be a simple job to take care of all the carpets in your home by yourself? Sure, it sounds easy enough, just fire up the machine and have your house looking great and presentable before relatives arrive for a visit or friends come over for a party.

However, the reality is much different. It’s a sweaty and challenging job that requires multiple procedures for success. The recipe for a truly deep steam carpet cleaning in Houston, TX, from Steam Local is performed in five easy steps:

  • Vacuum Loose Dirt
  • Scrub with a Soft Brush to Loosen Ground-in Material
  • Extract the Moisture
  • Apply a Protective Coat to Prevent Future Stains
  • Dry the Carpets Quickly with Powerful Dehumidifiers

It pays to search around to find a company which pays close attention to all these steps so that you know your carpets will get a deep cleaning that is going to last long after your special guests have left.

There are many companies in the area that offer steam cleaning, such as Steam Local. Hiring our specialists will take a load off your mind while giving life back to your carpets.

What Clean Carpets Say About Your Business

Carpet Cleaning in Waco, TXHere’s a simple thought experiment. Picture yourself walking into a chain store, an office, or a small retailer and taking a look around because it’s your first time there. Some things will catch your attention more than others, such as whether the business looks neat and clean.

Clean carpets tell customers and staff that you care about the business, that attention to detail is important, and you want to put your best foot forward. It’s one of those little things that truly mean a lot – it shows that you care and want to do the best job possible.

If the carpets are bright and fresh, you’re likely to be on the receiving end of that good first impression we all hear so much about. If the carpets are soiled and smelly, that first visit is likely to be the last.

Grimy, worn carpets immediately lead to questions for any visitor. What kind of business doesn’t invest time in cleaning its floors and surroundings? If they can’t take care of that, what kind of customer service are they going to provide?

You can’t always judge a book by its cover, but choosing the company that cares about appearances is often a safe bet.

Many companies offer carpet cleaning in Waco, TX. Steam Local can help you make your location stand out for its fresh and welcoming atmosphere.

How Carpet Cleaning Can Increase Your Property Value

Steam Cleaning in Waco, TXHaving carpets in your home or business creates value in the property thanks to the fact that they look great and are very comfortable underfoot. When it comes time to put a property on the market, carpets are always a noted selling point. Carpets that look like new get played up big time by real estate professionals because they are such a prominent part of any room.

Vacuuming works to keep carpets clean and looking their best, but only to a certain point. This becomes apparent by looking at the dirt which comes up every time you vacuum. For a true cleaning, you need to get down deep into the fibers to lift and extract the material that a vacuum just can’t pull out.

Homeowners know that steam cleaning in Waco, TX, is the best way to get carpets spotless, bright, and odor free. In turn, your home is worth more than one with soiled carpets which a buyer would have to replace before they even move in. Steam renews the material of the carpet itself by bringing life back into it. The fibers have more body and stand up straighter than ones that have a light coating of dirt and grime weighing them down. Stains don’t stand a chance–when faced with the warm temperature and power of a steam cleaner, they vanish as if they never existed.

When you turn to a cleaning company, like Steam Local, to make your carpets look like new, be prepared to hear prospective buyers rave about the beauty and cleanliness of your floors. It will be music to your ears and money in the bank.

It’s Time for Spring Cleaning

Steam Cleaning in Austin, TXSpring is in the air, which can only mean one thing: spring cleaning. It’s time to start doing a deep cleaning on your home. Here are three easy ways to make your home feel fresh again:

  • Work on Your Windows – When was the last time you cleaned your windows? An excellent spring cleaning task is to spend some time cleaning them inside and out. It’s crucial that you get all of the crud off so you can enjoy the lovely sun when you open your blinds.
  • Bathroom Details – Get the mold out of your grout, make sure the shower is draining correctly, and wipe up any weird hairs in the corners to freshen up your bathroom this season. Don’t forget to spend a little time working on your guest bathrooms.
  • Clean Your Carpets – Last, but not least, you need to clean the carpets in your home. Whether you have tons of stains left over from dropping food during Christmas dinner or it has been a while since you got the dirt up, having a professional come to your location for steam cleaning services is a wise plan.

The team at Steam Local is standing by to assist you when you are seeking steam cleaning in Austin, TX, as well as Dallas, Waco, College Station, and Houston. We have many great specials available for people who are ready to revitalize their carpets.

Carpet Cleaning for Dorms and Other School Housing

Steam Cleaning in College StationCollege students are slobs, and dorm rooms get incredibly messy throughout the year. Instead of having a two-bit crew come in and do the bare minimum to clean your carpets, you can count on the team at Steam Local to provide you with incredible services. We have more than 30 years of experience cleaning carpets in homes and businesses throughout Texas. Let us come to your dorm to show you what we can do!

Our five-step carpet cleaning process is something you will not receive from other specialists. When we come to your dorms, we will start working by removing all of the loose dirt and crud in the carpets with our high-suction vacuum. Once that process is complete, we do soft-bristle scrubbing to loosen any ground-in soil. We then use our truck-mounted equipment to extract moisture, apply Teflon protection to protect the carpet from stains, and use humidifiers to dry the carpets quickly. Stains that have been on the carpets for the entire year should come up with incredible ease.

Book the Steam Local team today for end-of-the-year steam cleaning in College Station. We clean carpets in dorms, as well as area apartments with large student populations and Greek housing. You can also hire our team in Dallas, Austin, Waco, and Houston.